Favorite cosplay and why: Favorite Cosplay General Klytus from Flash Gordon My favorite as a kid. And that Costume took years to plan and is not complete. I wanna redo the Metal Mask
How long have you been cosplaying? Cosplaying for 10 years
Do you create your own or have it commissioned: I Commission almost everything.. I do Repaints and use People from all over the World for Projects.
Favorite thing about Cosplaying: Favorite thing about cosplaying is Bringing Characters to life from Movies, Video Games, or Cartoons and trying to Be unique in the execution.
Next Convention:Next convention probably Dragoncon in August.
Favorite Experiences Cosplaying: Best experience in Cosplaying was Getting Stopped by Jason David Frank for a picture at a convention and wearing a costume and Not knowing it was him till seeing him post the Pic on Instagram
Advice for New cosplayers: New Advice for new Cosplayers is Start Small Then work your way up in terms of Level of Cosplay. Work within your Budget. Don't set goals to high at first to avoid frustration and and expectation. And most of all Have Fun. And pick cosplays you are Passionate about
What Did You Do During Quarantine? And During Quarantine it Gave me a break from everything. Allowed me to rest, save money pay bills and Relax. After cosplaying for 10 years going to multiple Conventions it was kind of nice to take time off.